Our Courses and Training Services

Open and available to everyone:

PMD Pro Starter - a mobile toolkit of the 15 most common PMD Pro tools

PMD Pro On Demand - self-directed online learning courses in five languages for PMD Pro 1

Facilitated and Fee-Based:

PMD Pro Flex - an online, facilitated, socially-engaging course where you learn PMD Pro 1 at your own pace while also learning from others. Check dates for the next sessions for you and your team.

PMD Pro Live - this intensive course consists of pre-work and a project management capacity assessment, a 3 day workshop to prepare for the exam and start building out project management tools for participants’ own projects, the PMD Pro exam, and 1.5 day workshop to look at how the project management tools are going to be applied - face to face, or online. Read more here or Contact us to learn more.

PMD Pro Adapt - Train the trainer courses and tools/application workshops and consultancy. Contact us to learn more.

PMD Pro Global - Integrated package of courses and learning services to help you adopt PMD Pro at your NGO. Contact us to learn more.

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